Installed in the SAVA region (Sambava, Antalaha, Vohemar, Andapa), in the North-East of the island of Madagascar for several years, our love for the Malagasy soil and its treasures began with spices and vanilla.
By reintroducing old strains of Criollo origin to the loamy lands of the region, we have allowed cocoa cultivation to develop and provide an additional source of income for farmers.
In our cocoa parcels, we also grow bananas and gliricidia, to provide shade. Below, the patchouli allow to conserve the wealth of the soils and offer an interesting income to the farmers with several harvests per year.

Our “tree-to-bar” chocolate comes from the same plantation and each tree, each cocoa pod, is the fruit of special attention, with respect for people and nature.
Quality, with a strong criollo presence, we therefore wanted to go further in traceability and decided to transform this product ourselves, on site, in Antalaha, in our chocolate factory. This is how Choka is born.